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Casting Stones

Forgiveness Grace Redemption

The movie "Casting Stones" based on the book "Beyond the Hidden Veil of Shame" written by Kay Hall tells about her journey to a settled and peaceful heart.  A story of how Kay sought Forgiveness, Grace and Redemption after an abortion.  She shares the path that God took her on with thousands of women.  

Castings Stones

a photo of a young woman on a hillside, holding a large vail that is caught in the wind.

“This historical decision opens a new chapter in the pro-life movement. In the past, we shouted shame and disgrace to women who have had abortions; I hope by changing our efforts to show grace and love we can be more effective, ”

J Campbell

Movie Trailer

Nicole Abisinio, Dean Cain and Eddie McClintock star in this wonderful film that shows grace and compassion to the millions of women who have had an abortion.

Listen in as Kay Hall and Dean Cain share their thoughts on how this remarkable film has resonated with so many people, sparking conversations and inspiring change.

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